Female Body Image

What is the definition of beauty? The dictionary defines it as, “A combination of qualities,body image1 such as shape, color, or form that pleases the aesthetic senses, esp. the sight.” But in Hollywood it seems to be defined as “tall, blonde, tan, and skinny, with curves in all the right places.” In the media, we see magazines and tabloids featuring pictures of beautiful and seemingly perfect women.  These women are worshipped for their abilities, status, and, of course, their looks. Most of these women are thin and slender, but when one of them gains five pounds, it’s the top story in every magazine.

In the past year, a lot of attention has been directed toward Lady Gaga, mostly for her music and tours, but also for her weight gain. Critics commented that Lady Gaga looked “meatier” and “fatter” in her tour outfits than she had before. After hearing the criticism, Gaga posted pictures on Twitter showing off her body and saying that while she had gained twenty five pounds recently, she didn’t mind one bit. She stated she has been battling anorexia and bulimia since she was fifteen and is finally starting to recover. She requested that every girl (and boy, too) become more accepting of her or his body. She said she wanted to start a new movement called, “A Body Revolution 2013”. In her Body Revolution she says, “My mother and I created the BORN THIS WAY FOUNDATION for one reason: “to inspire bravery.” This profile is an extension of that dream. Be brave and celebrate with us your “perceived flaws,” as society tells us. May we make our flaws famous, and thus redefine the heinous.” She has inspired many people with her attitude toward the ridicule and has encouraged young women to be proud of who they are. Thankfully, she is not the only one trying to instigate this attitude.

Up and coming actress Jennifer Lawrence has often discussed the fact that she feels she is considered a “fat actress.”  She once said, “I’m never going to starve myself for a part… I don’t want little girls to be like, ‘Oh, I want to look like Katniss, so I’m going to skip dinner. That’s something I was really conscious of during training, when you’re trying to get your body to look exactly right. I was trying to get my body to look fit and strong – not thin and underfed.” Lawrence is a wonderful role model for young women because she encourages them to be accepting of themselves, but also to keep healthy. She motivates girls to eat instead of skipping meals and exercise to tone and strengthen muscles. She is very admirable in her approach toward this topic, and she deserves all the support she receives from fans.

Though there are several female celebrities speaking toward positive body image, it is not enough to outweigh the pictures of skinny girls in bikinis that we see on television and in magazines. Fortunately, there are some steps all of us can take to try and combat negative body image (taken from Margo Maine’s book Body Wars).


  1. Affirm that your body is perfect just the way it is.body image2
  2. Think of your body as a tool. Create an inventory of all the things you can do with it.
  3. Walk with your head high with pride and confidence in yourself as a person, not a size.
  4. Create a list of people you admire who have contributed to your life, your community, or the world. Was their appearance important to their success and accomplishments?
  5. Don’t let your size keep you from doing things you enjoy.
  6. Replace the time you spend criticizing your appearance with more positive, satisfying pursuits.
  7. Let your inner beauty and individuality shine.
  8. Think back to a time in your life when you liked and enjoyed your body. Get in touch with those feelings now.
  9. Beauty is not just skin-deep. It is a reflection of your whole self. Love and enjoy the person inside.

Having a negative body image can lead to eating disorders, low self-esteem, and feeling uncomfortable and worthless. No one should ever feel that she is not good enough, but unfortunately, many women do. If we focus on all of our positive traits, there will be no time to dwell on the negative ones.

Never let anyone else’s idea of beauty skew your own. Just because in the media’s eyes you aren’t perfect, it doesn’t mean you have to agree with them. If celebrities like Lady Gaga and Jennifer Lawrence can stand up to these unrealistic expectations, then so can you. Take the time to love yourself and encourage others to do the same. A compliment can go a long way for someone who is having a rough day. Doing what makes you happy is more important than trying to change for an unimpressible society.

–           Jennifer Towns





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